Backstage Dressing Room

Backstage Dressing Room

In November of 1880 the alredy famous French actres,  Sara Bernhardt, made her fist American tour performing at the Booth Theater in New York. Though the dialogue was in French , her dynamic acting ability was greeted with thunderous applause and 27 curtain calls!  During her tour she gave 151 performances in 51 cities. It was reported in the papers, that upon her arrival in NY she was accompanied by 47 trunks of clothes and costumes!  After many years as a theaer costume cutter /draper I decided to create my idea of what her dressing room might have looked like for that NY debut.. Knowing that the back stage areas of a "Guilded Age Theater" were far from the oppulence of the main auditorium, it is quite likely the management did their best to provide more than the mundane makup table and chair!  The best stage furniture and props whould have been gathered to add some sense of glamour to the utilitarian space.  In my room you should find photos of Miss Bernhardt and her mother. The petticoat on the dress form in front of the dressing screen respresents the 18th Cent play she performed for her debut. An 18th Cent dress can be seen reflected in the dressing mirror. A plethora of floral tributes, a stack of fan mail and a welcoming bottle of wine would make any Diva feel at home.